AA School District Legal Status
AB School Board Legal Status
ABB Powers and Responsibilities
ABC Board Members Legal Status
ABCA Number
ABCB Qualifications for School Board Members
ABCC Term of Office
ABCDA Unexpired Term Fulfillment
ABD School Board Liability
ABE School Superintendent Legal Status
AC School District Organization
ADA School Census
AE School Year
AEA School Calendar
AF School Day
BBA Officers
BBBA Duties of Board Members
BBBB Board Member Orientation
BBBC Board Member Continuing Education
BBBD Bonded Members
BBBE Board Member Compensation and Expenses
BBC Board Committees
BBD Board - School Superintendent Relations
BBE School Attorney
BC Meetings
BCAD-Teleconference/Remote Participation
BCB Board Meeting Procedures
BCBB Notification of Board Meetings
BCBD Agenda Preparation and Dissemination
BCBG Voting Method at Board Meetings
BCBH Minutes of Board Meetings
BCBI Public Participation in School Board Meetings
BCBK Executive Sessions
BD - School Board Policy
BDF Administrative Regulations and Procedures
BGA School Boards Associations
BH Board Member Ethics
CB School Superintendent
CBA Superintendent Qualifications
CBC Recruitment of Superintendent
CBD Employment of the Superintendent
CBI Evaluation of the Superintendent
CCB Line and Staff Relations
CG Administrative Records
CH Administrative Reports
CN Administrative Records
DC Annual Operating Budget
DCC Budget Planning and Preparation
DCI Line Item Transfer Authority
DFA Local Tax Revenues
DFB State Revenues
DFC Federal Revenues
DFD Tax and Bond Elections and Sales
DFE Short Term Notes
DFF Grants
DFI Lease of School Lands
DFK Gifts and Bequests
DFL Cash management and Investments
DFM Sale of Surplus Equipment and Supplies
DFN Sale of Buildings and Lands
DG Depository of Funds
DH Bonded Employees
DI Accounting and Reporting
DIA Accounting System
DIB Financial Reports and Statements
DIBA Reporting of ARRA Funds
DIC Inventories
DID Audits
DIE Records Retention
DJ Expenditure of Funds
DJAA Authorized Signatures
DJCB Salary Deductions
DJD Expense Reimbursement
DJE Purchasing
DJED Bids and Quotations
DK Student Activities Funds Management
DL Cash In School Buildings
DN School Property Disposal
EB Buildings and Grounds Management
EBB Safety Program
EBBB School and Student Safety
EBBA Fire Prevention
EBBC Emergency/Crisis Management
EBBD School Closings and Cancellation
EBBF Safety Inspections
EBBG Hazardous Substances
EBBH Use Of Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
EBBI Public Heath Emergency
EBC Building and Grounds Security
EBCA Vandalism EBCB Video-Audio Monitoring of School Board Property
EBD Energy Conservation
EBG Repairs
ED Student Transportation Management
EDAE Student Transportation in Private Vehicles
EDBA Responsibility For Vehicle Operation EDC Student Transportation Safety Program
EDCA School Bus Safety Inspections EDCB Carpool and Bus Line Safety
EDD School Bus Scheduling and Routing
EDDA Special Use of School Buses
EDDB Authorized Passengers
EE Child Nutrition Program Management
EFA Computer and Internet Use for Employees
EFAA Employee use of Social Media EFC Business Continuity and Technology Disaster Recovery
EG Insurance and Risk Management
EGAA Workers' Compensation
EGAE Annuities
EGD Automobile Liability
FA Goals and Objectives
FDC Naming New Facilities
FE Facilities Planning
FGA Supervision of Construction
FGB Site Acquisition Procedures
FGG Change Orders
FHA Board Inspection and Acceptance of Facilities
GAAA Equal Opportunity Employment
GAAB Individuals With Disabilities
GAD Professional Development Opportunities
GAE Complaints and Grievances
GAEAA Sexual Harassment
GAH Community Relations
GAHB Political Activities
GAI Solicitations
GAIB Solicitations of Staff Members
GAJ Gifts
GAK Personnel Records
GAMA Tobacco Use
GAMIA Electronic Communications Between Employees and Students
GAMB Dress Code
GAMC Employee Investigations
GAMD Drug Free Workplace
GAMEA Alcohol and Drug Abuse and Testing - General Employees
GAMEB Alcohol and Drug Testing for Holders of Commercial Driver's Licenses
GAMF Employee Health and Safety
GAMFB Handling of Body Fluids
GAMFC Health Examinations
GAMG Dangerous Weapons
GAMH Defense and Indemnification of Employees
GAMJ Miscellaneous Conditions Of Employment
GBA Contracts and Compensation
GBAA Compensation Guidelines/Overtime
GBB Personnel Positions
GBBA Qualifications and Duties
GBC Recruitment GBCA Protection of Criminal Background Information
GBD Employment
GBDA - Employment of Retired Personnel
GBE Assignment
GBG Probation
GBI Evaluation
GBJ Promotion
GBK Employee Discipline
GBL Tenure
GBM Transfer
GBN Dismissal of Employees
GBNA Reduction of Personnel
GBO Resignation
GBQ Retirement
GBRA Employee Conduct
GBRB Employee Attendance
GBRD Staff Meetings
GBRG Nonschool Employment
GBRH Professional Leaves and Absences
GBRHA Sabbatical Leave
GBRIA General Leaves of Absence
GBRIB Sick Leave
GBRIBA Family and Medical Leave
GBRIBB Sick Leave Bank
GBRIBC Emergency Family and Medical Leave and Paid Sick Leave (COVID-19 Pandemic) GBRIC Maternity and Adoptive Leave
GBRID Military GBRIF Bereavement Leave
GBRIH Jury Duty or Subpoenas
GBRJ Substitute Personnel
GBRK Annual Leave
GBRL Holidays
GCRD Overtime Pay
IA Educational Philosophy
ID Curriculum
IDA Basic Instructional Program
IDAA Educational Assessment Program
IDBA Sex Education
IDBB Alcohol, Tobacco, Drug and Substance Abuse Education Program
IDCC Kindergarten
IDCA Summer School
IDCH Home Study Program IDCJ Continuous Learning
IDDC Homebound Educational Services
IDDF Education of Students with Exceptionalities
IDDFA Service Animals in Schools
IDDFB Service Animals in Schools IDDFC Cameras in Special Education Classrooms
IDDG Alternative Schools Education Program
IDE Co-curricular and Extracurricular Activities
IDFA Interscholastic Athletics
IDFAB Sports Injury Management & Concussions
IDG Adult Education
IEB Class Size
IFA Instructional Materials
IFAA Textbook Selection and Adoption
IFAB Supplementary Materials Selection & Adoption
IFBGA Student Computer Access and Use
IFCB Field Trips and Excursions
IFCD School Volunteers
IFD Parental Involvement
IH Academic Achievement
IHA Grading Systems
IHAB Report Cards
IHAD Parent Conferences
IHB Homework
IHC Class Ranking
IHE Promotion and Retention
IHF Graduation Requirements
IHG Credit Recovery
I Testing Programs
IKDA Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
IKDB Graduation Exercises
IKDC School Prayer
IKI Lesson Plans
JAA Equal Education Opportunities
JAAA Sexual Harassment JB Attendance
JBA Compulsory School Attendance Ages
JBB Entrance Age
JBC School Admission
JBCB Admission of Nonresident Students
JBCBB Homeless Children and Youth JBCC Student Assignment
JBCD Student Transfer and Withdrawal
JBD Student Absences and Excuses
JBCE- Public School Choice
JBE Truancy
JBF Student Dismissal Precautions
JCAA Due Process
JCAB Student Searches
JCABA Searches of Student's Person
JCABB Use of Metal Detectors
JCABC Student Interrogation
JCD Student Conduct
JCDAA Student Smoking/Use of Tobacco
JCDAB Student Alcohol and Drug Use
JCDAC Dangerous Weapons
JCDAD School Bus Conduct
JCDAE Electronic Telecommunication Devices
JCDAF Bullying and Hazing
JCDB Student Dress Code
JCE Student Complaints and Grievances
JCEC Demonstrations of Students
JCED Student Sexual Harassment
JD Discipline
JDA Corporal Punishment
JDD Suspension
JDE Expulsion
JDF Discipline of Students with Disabilities
JGA Student Insurance Program
JGB School Wellness
JGC Student Health Services
JGCB Immunizations
JGCC Communicable/Infectious Diseases
JGCD Administration of Medication
JGCE Child Abuse
JGCF Behavioral Health Support for Students JGCFA Behavioral Health Services for Students
JGD Crisis Intervention
JGF Student Safety
JGFB Supervision of Students
JGFF Student Use of Personal Vehicles
JGFG Illness and Accidents
JGFH Student Identification
JH Student Activities
JHB Activities Funds Management
JHC Student Organizations
JHE Student Publications
JJ Employment of Students JM Student Voter Registration
JQE Pregnant
JR Student Privacy and Educational Records
JS Student Fees
KA School Board Public Relations
KG Use of School Facilities
KM Visitors to the Schools
KN Complaints
LDAJ Police Department LEH Patriotic Organizations
MJ Educational Accreditation Agency Relations